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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/13/2010
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Members in Attendance:  Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, Pat Ingellis

Absent: Kim Gallagher, Mike Kelley, Robert Siegelman.

Staff in Attendance:  Maura Farbotka, Recording Clerk

Approval of Minutes:
B. Fish noted two corrections needed on the minutes:
-On Page one under Regional Conservation Activities, it should read B. Fish stated, not stted.
-On Page 2 under Other Updates, it should read B. Fish, not B. Fis.
MOTION: to approve the minutes of February 9, 2010 as amended.
MOVED: by C. Cobb; SECONDED: by J. Brophy; IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, P. Ingellis; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

The Fishway System:
R. Fish discussed the monitoring of the Fishways and asked if any commission members were interested in the monitoring duty.  The commission agreed to continue as last year with Steve Gephard monitoring the fishways.

The Great Cedars Trail System:
Chairman Fish wanted to make the commission aware of the issues and damage to the dam at Great Cedars caused by the recent storm and its heavy rains. At a recent MOU meeting, the damaged areas were evaluated.  Chairman Fish reviewed a map of the damaged areas with the commission, noting the recommendations on how to repair the areas.  The Blue Trail will be closed in order to redirect the water and stop the erosion.  It will then be reevaluated to determine the best area to relocate the trail. The project will continue to be handled by the MOU committee with direction by the Parks and Rec department.
Regional Conservation Activities:
B. Fish reported that he made contact with the towns of Westbrook, Clinton, Killingworth and Chester.  Killingworth responded showing great interest in the project.  Chairman Fish attended the Killingworth Conservation Commission meeting the week of April 5.  Maps were reviewed and discussion held on how to go about connecting the different open space parcels.  Bob will next contact Westbrook Conservation Commission Chairman Thomas O’Dell to get his involvement.  The intention will be to meet with all commissions to map out a plan for the best way that trails and land can be connected to produce continuous greenways.

Energy Conservation:
J. Brophy reported on his recent discussion with Tom MacDonald of the Madison energy committee.  There is currently a stall on Madison’s program, and they have not yet hired a project coordinator.  Discussion was held at length with the commission about generating baseline energy use for the different public buildings in the town. B. Fish stated he would identify and gather all energy costs to set up a data base.  The commission agreed this is the next step in the energy conservation program.  J. Brophy will again try to make contact with Julie Pendleton at the Board of Education to question her about energy auditing that she has used in the school systems.  B. Fish reported that, at a recent Rockfall meeting, Steve Taglitelia of Saybrook Point Inn spoke and stated he has reduced his energy consumption by 40 %.  The Commission strongly believes energy conservation and stewardship of open spaces are two programs the commission should concentrate on.
C. Cobb will follow up and make contact with the state’s clean energy program to update them and insure the town is continuing to follow the requirements.  

Other Updates:
Chairman Fish distributed surveys received from Margot Burns of the Regional Planning Agency.  Any interested commission members can complete the surveys and return them directly to Ms. Burns.

C. Cobb questioned B. Fish about any progress with an oyster restoration program for the Oyster River.  Chairman Fish reported that we are trying to schedule a meeting of all stakeholders to try to reach a common agreement on one program that meets everyone’s objectives and concerns.

MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m. until the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall in the Land Use Conference Room.  
MOVED: by J. Brophy; SECONDED: by C. Cobb; IN FAVOR: Bob Fish, Jerry Brophy, Charlie Cobb, P. Ingellis; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINING: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.
Respectively submitted,

Maura Farbotka
Recording Clerk